Heart Times Cafe

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Becoming Love

Looking at my husband this morning and contemplating what his body has been through over the past six weeks, not to mention the battery of tests leading up to his surgery.

Thinking about the battles his body has fought through, including the horrifying (in my opinion) combat of war.

Thinking about the wars we fight on the outside that everyone can see
and the wars that rage on the inside:
loudly to us
but unknown to others.

Some leave scars on our skin
and some leave scars as deep as our bones,
all the way to the marrow,
all playing their part in who we become.

Thinking about how grateful I am for who he is
and that he is well to celebrate Father’s Day this year and to celebrate our oldest son who is also an amazing dad with battles and victories of his own.

We have appointments every week; there is always something just up around the bend. In the face of uncertainty, his faith, hope, and selflessness are inspiring to say the least.
Our son is a hard-working father while actively and consistently participating in the lives of his three young children age 10 and under.

And even with the unknown that lies ahead, what’s certain is these are two authentic men who are living proof that no matter what we face in life,
we get to choose who we become
and no matter what we walk through,
fight through,
or navigate through,
we can ultimately come out of it
as love.

Every time.

Becoming love is a journey and a choice.

And it’s a choice they both continue to make about how they live their lives and how they show up,
and I am so so proud of who they are.
I am so, so proud
to be part of their journey.