I AM …
I respect you even when you disrespect me because that is who I AM.
I honor you even when you dishonor me because that is who I AM.
I defend you even when you betray me because that is who I AM.
I protect you even when you neglect me because that is who I AM.
I choose to see the best of you even when you undervalue me because that is who I AM.
I forgive you even when you don’t apologize because that is who I AM.
I pray for you even when you hurt me because that is who I AM.
I love you even when you don’t love yourself because I see you,
because I have faith in you,
because I am for you,
and because that is who I AM.
None of this is weakness.
None of this is stupidity.
All of this is unconditional love
because that is who I AM.