Open Places
It can be quite surprising and amazing
how the world can lay things at your feet.
and I don't mean sexual or romantic,
just lovingness,
can be right in front of you
yet you could walk by it
turn away from it
or step over it
if you are not paying attention.
If you are not aware
If it doesn't look like something familiar to you that you would recognize.
Because sometimes it isn't made up of what you would recognize.
Sometimes it isn't anything familiar at all.
And sometimes you have no idea from where it has come.
The thing is
if you are not open,
you could miss out on something really great
no matter how close
you are
to it.
Being present
and looking with our heart open
can lead us into places that we never knew we belonged in.
Places that we never knew could feel like home.
Places that we never knew were in need
of exactly
we are.