Pennies For Fountains


Wishing on a star

there was once a time when I didn't know if I would ever be a mother. I woke up every day not knowing.  I spent every day wondering.  I went to sleep at night not knowing.

Something many people take for granted:   having a baby.

Women and girls do it all the time, sometimes not wanting to, sometimes without a second thought, sometimes as if it is their right and not a privilege.

Like many others, I spent years in quiet desperation, hoping I would one day be a mom, wondering why it wasn't happening for me ... yet seemed to be happening for everyone around me.  Getting to know the joy of pregnancy only to then meet the agony of my baby not surviving.  More than once, reliving this tragedy to my heart and to my body.  To my spirit.

I prayed.

I wished on stars.

Pennies in fountains.


Birthday candles.



Other people's babies.

Any possible way to get my heart's desire out there.

And then I gave up.

It was a time that made me question a lot of things. It was a time that made me re-evaluate love and life and faith and destiny. It was a time that made me the mother I am today.

I have never taken one day of motherhood for granted.  Grateful for the honor of loving and guiding my two children and grateful for the children I am allowed to love as my own but who I did not give birth to, today I especially celebrate my baby, Ian David, who I proudly named after his uncle, and who I proudly adore to the ends of the earth.

Ian has always wished on stars and asked for pennies for fountains.

I always have pennies for him.

I always stop what we're doing and give him time with the stars, no matter where we are, how late it is, how tired I am, if it's raining, etc.  I always stand and smile both inside and out, in silence and respect, and admire him as he gets his heart's desire out there. 

I would be incomplete without the ability to love and experience the beauty of his very special soul in my life.  I am beyond grateful for him and for the fortune of being his mom.

I can't believe he is 10.

I can't believe he is mine.

I can't believe I could be so very very lucky. 


Pennies for fountains




You Do Not Complete Me