Heart Times Cafe

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Replacing “Love”

I am continually reminded that I am married to someone who makes even the most ordinary moments special with extraordinary kindness. He also makes potentially challenging situations peaceful with extraordinary patience.

Throughout my life I’ve heard people say, regardless of what you believe spiritually (or not-spiritually,) to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and replace the word “love” with your partner’s name and see if it reads true. I can say it does and this is the biggest part of why I love my husband.

Kevin is patient.

Kevin is kind.

Kevin does not envy.

Kevin does not boast.

Kevin is not proud.

Kevin does not dishonor others.

Kevin is not self-seeking.

Kevin is not easily angered.

Kevin keeps no record of wrongs.

Kevin does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Kevin always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I’m not saying he is perfect or has never made a mistake, in fact soon after we met he humbly and painfully admitted to me several of what he felt were the biggest mistakes of his life … but he is perfect for me and he truly is all of the above. I am always inspired by him, blessed by him, and grateful for him. He makes me a better person without even trying.

Can you read this with your partner’s name? Can you read it with your own?

May we all continue striving to be our best, to give our best, and to raise our standards so we receive the best.

Let’s not stop until each of us can read this with our own name, for starters.
