Someone Who Believes
We are all accountable for our role in making sure our relationship is healthy and successful.
How we show up is not dependent upon how the other person shows up.
How we show up is on us.
We can’t blame the other person or their responses for how we choose to stand for or not stand for honesty, openness, willingness, compassion, or growth.
We can’t blame our parents or our past relationships or the last person who did us wrong.
We can’t blame our patterns even if they feel like old true reliable friends
and we can’t blame the other person’s patterns or struggles either.
Openness can be intimidating and honesty can be scary
but without the courage to believe in the best,
we cannot rise to the love experiences we deserve.
It might take a leap of faith but sometimes there are things you have to believe in
before you see them.
I hope you have someone who believes,
who is willing to grow with you through the uncomfortableness
and love you into the next level,
and I hope you will have the courage
to be their someone too.