I’m Clapping For You

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After a call with a client yesterday, I called her right back (I asked her not to answer) so I could leave a message on her voicemail.

I wanted her to be able to hear the words of encouragement that she needs, deserves, and is worthy of, at any time, any hour, of any day or night.

And here’s why:

Sometimes we don’t know what we need to hear until we hear it.

The words “I’m proud of you” are another way of saying “I see you.”

In case no one’s told you today, or even if they have, I’m proud of you.

You’re working on yourself.

You’re committed to yourself.

You’re investing in yourself.

And every action you take to better yourself, to learn about yourself and to grow, is a reflection of your love for yourself.

You deserve that.

It’s you choosing to respect yourself and love yourself, AND it is only through these choices and these results that you can love others better.

When you respect yourself you are respecting all of us.

When you love yourself -really love yourself, not love your ego- you are spreading love to all of us.

I’m proud of you.

The way you show up for yourself is reflected in the way your light shines on the rest of us.

Remember to clap for yourself every time you make a choice and take action in favor of a better you,

a healthy thought,

positive energy,

raising your vibration.

I’m clapping for you.

I’m over here cheering for you.

I’m celebrating you.

And I’m sending you a hug and lots of love because it is an honor and a blessing to be part of your very special journey.

I’m so so glad you’re here.


Better Than


How Are You Showing Up?