Thank You For Being Different

Saturday, April 29, 2023

You can choose whatever you want to believe.

I’ll choose to believe in love.

You can choose not to believe in whatever you don’t want to believe in.

I’ll still believe in love.

And I’ll still respect your freedom to believe and not believe whatever you choose.

I’ll respect the choices your heart makes and I won’t judge them or you if they’re different from my choices … and even if you’re judging me and mine.

Because at the end of the day I want you to be happy. I want you to feel good. I want you to be proud of who you are and to be the person you are here to be. So why wouldn’t I want you to be any different than you?

We don’t have to agree on everything

and we don’t have to believe the exact same things for me to love and respect and appreciate and value you. Exactly as you are.

So if you’re showing up today in a different way than I am, I love that about you. Keep doing that. I insist.

Thank you for being different and for giving me more to learn, more to celebrate, and more to love.


HELLO I AM … praying for you


There’s Nothing You Can Do