The Only Way Out

(Song: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley)

You don’t have to have it all figured out.

It’s okay to not know what’s coming or what lies ahead. It’s such a beautiful place to be if you allow it.

Sometimes I think the reason we have moments or seasons like this is because the antidote is faith: do we have it or do we not?

It’s okay to not know the future or to not know what our path is going to look like. We just have to trust. That is literally all.

If we always knew, then we wouldn’t need faith of any kind.

I’ve lived most of my life just trusting.

I’m not saying I’ve never been scared. I get scared a lot.

But then I trust.

I’m not saying I never worry. I worry often.

And then I trust.

It’s the only way out of the fear.

Faith and love.

We don’t have to be in control.

We don’t have to know what to do.

We just have to trust and love. It’s so freeing.

I hope you love yourself enough to put down the anxiety and fear and give yourself a hug, like you would to someone else you love, and say, “it’s okay.

Every little thing is gonna be alright.”


Becoming Love


Energy Matters … and so do you